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International Honors Champion National Champion, UKC Grand Champion, UCA SE SI SC AV
AKC Grand Champion Tarmigan's Viewpoint CA SNW D-CAT   "Prim"

Prim finished her her AKC Championship as a puppy at the very competitive Canfield Ohio Cluster of shows, Breeder/owner handled. She finished her AKC Grand Championship before the age of two.

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As a puppy Prim was ranked 10th Nationwide in the National Owner Handler Series for AKC and was invited to Compete in the Eukanuba AKC National Championship Dog show in Orlando Florida.

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Along the way she won Best in Sweepstakes at the Ohio Hall of Fame Pointer Club. That is her litter brother Flash beside her winning Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes. She also went Reserve Winners Bitch at the Specialty from the BBE class.

Prim was invited to the UKC Premier Top 10 Invitational Shows in Kalamazoo Michigan where she won Best of Breed as a yearling. That same year she won Best of Breed and Group 3 the UKC Gateway Shows in Gray Summit Missouri.

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At 10 months old Prim finished her UKC Championship and won an All Breed Best in Show. She was ranked as the #1 Pointer in UKC in 2015, and she was still a puppy! She was also Ranked as #1 in 2016!


As a two year old Prim earned her International Championship at the Illinois Sieger Shows, then moved down to the Missouri Sieger shows and won her International Honors Championship and National Championship, winning another Best in Show under judges from the UK, Australia and Canada.


Prim ended her show career by winning BEST OF BREED  AND TOTAL DOG at the UKC Premier National Show in 2021.

***PRIM started her new career in Nosework earning her UKC Novice Nosework after just 3 weeks of training. She added her Advance title just a month later! After just 6 months of training, Prim needs just one Q to complete her Superior Nosework title and also earned her AKC Novice title too!



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